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Tony VerdultAll-round Producer, DJ & Songwriter Tony Verdult has reached a whole new level. With his musical background (piano, guitar, drums, vocalist), Tony is unstoppable making music in different genres. Besides Hip Hop/R&B & Pop, House music has always been a passion. And collaborating with his DJ & Production buddy Lucky Charmes, hitting the charts is inevitable…
For over 10 years Tony has been working with his musical partner Cedric le Noir whom he begun his journey. From being performing artist to producing/writing for various artists. You will hear from Cedric very soon…
Now, Tony is running his own company, Indope Music. Which is both a label and an Audio & Music Production company. Teaming up with Lazyboi (Lazyboi Music, US) made it possible to work with artists/producers/songwriters from all over the world. Tony’s ambitions will only grow as he’s setting up a brand new photo studio (Pose)
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